Student tax refund tips provide you with a basic understanding of tax in the UK. In this series of tax tip blogs, we’ll be providing you with helpful ways to save money and pay the right tax. As a student, there are a number of things you can claim back on your tax return. Students from overseas who are in the UK studying and working will also be able to make claims and often are owed even more tax back than UK residents. Read on to find out some top tax tips and facts from the team at Taxback.
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How do you claim your tax refund if you are a student in the UK?
If you are working in the UK you’ve got to pay taxes. If your a corporation operating in the UK then that seems to be a different story!
At Taxback we not only pay our taxes but do a great job of helping students to claim back their tax refunds.
5 top tips for student tax refunds
- Most students who work while studying are due a tax refund.
- If you pay under the tax free allowance (£12,570) you will be able to claim back all the taxes you have paid.
- You’ll need your P60 or P45 to claim a tax refund. If you haven’t got the forms then you’ll need to get a ‘statement of earnings’ from your employer.
- You can find out how much tax you are owed by checking out our free tax refund calculator
- You can use a tax agent to help you claim your tax refund. It’s a bit like paying the post office to help you get a new passport without any glitches. Only we give you money and charge a small commission for our efforts.
Student Tax Refunds – How to claim tax back online
If your a student and you’ve been working in the UK have a look at Taxback UK Student Tax Refunds and see if you are due any money back. It’s quick, easy and all you have to is fill in a form. And remember, we offer a no refund no fee service so you have NOTHING to lose.