Landlord and Non Resident Landlords
Apply for Landlord and non resident landlord tax returns
Apply onlineWhich tax application forms do you need for your tax refund or Tax Return?
On this page you’ll find our online UK tax refund application forms and links to our Australian superannuation and tax refund forms. We’ve collated them onto one page, to make it super simple to locate the correct application form for your needs.
Now, we all know that tax is one of those subjects most of us would all rather avoid, however, because we will do all of the hard work for you, when it comes to filing your tax return with us, the process suddenly becomes worthwhile. On average our clients receive a refund up to £1500 and with a no refund, no fee service, for PAYE tax refund applications, together with one of the lowest commission rates in the industry, it’s well worth finding out if you’re owed any money from HMRC, as you have NOTHING to lose!
Which tax form do you need to file your Tax Return or tax refund claim?
This page contains links to our tax refund application forms covering PAYE tax refunds for all industries including Oil & Gas, CIS, Seafarers, Armed forces and Self-Assessment tax returns for self-employed individuals, landlords or higher earners.

Ready to file your tax refund application?
Select the relevant form for your claim and follow our simple step by step guide and apply online it’s real easy. If you’re busy you can save your application and come back later to complete it.
What happens if you have a problem completing your tax refund form or Tax Return?
If you have any problems, we’re on hand with live chat or you can email us
What happens once you complete your application?
Once you have completed the application, you will receive an email with a pdf attached of your application. You can then either print it off yourself, sign it and then send it back to us to our Freepost address, so no stamp needed. OR if you haven’t got access to a printer hit the button that says “SEND ME THE PRINTED TAXPACK” and that is what we will do, so when you get that drop through your letterbox, sign it and send it back- Easy!