Student Tax Refunds

How do you get your student tax refund?

Start my student tax refund application

Most students are taxed under the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system.

This system isn’t really designed for students. It can leave you hundreds of pounds out of pocket and that’s where we come in! We can get your tax refund within 2 weeks and you don’t have to pay anything if we don’t get you a refund. If we do, we take a commission from the refund only when we get it, so it’s not going to cost you a penny!!

Students tend to work part-time, seasonally, with agencies or take on holiday work, all of which result in students overpaying tax due to the inefficiencies of the P.A.Y.E. system. In fact almost every student pays too much tax!

If you are a student and your payslips show the following suffixes or prefixes to your tax code, you are paying emergency tax and you are due a tax refund. Codes: BR, W1, M1, BRM1, BRW1, L X, WK1 or MTH1

Claim your Student tax refund by applying online now.

Fill in the Student Tax Refunds form by clicking the ‘start my application’ button below