When you make the move across the world and finally land in the UK you’ll have a great time, but you’ll also spend plenty of time pondering what these strange island dwellers are actually doing. Here, we take a look at the most typical things that go through a Kiwi’s mind when on a […]
Overpaid PAYE Tax? Read our comprehensive guide on how to claim a PAYE Tax Refund. There are many reasons that you could overpay tax through PAYE, such as being on the wrong tax code or when switching employers within a tax year. But because of the complexity of the UK tax system, knowing if you […]
There were two tax breaks that were supposed to be introduced in April 2017, both of which are designed to help micro entrepreneurs. But it seems that the government has taken out the proposal from the Finance Bill. The proposal was that sellers of goods and services on online platforms, such as Airbnb and […]
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