HMRC Estimates 3.5 Million People Will Receive a Tax Rebate This Year

A recent report from the HMRC says 3.5 million are due a tax rebate for the 2012-13 tax year. Average refunds are between £350 and £500. The HMRC began its end of year reconciliation process in May and will continue checking its records through October, looking for over-payers, as well as under-payers. Who Gets Money? […]

Construction Industry Scheme: What’s a “Deemed Contractor?”

The Construction Industry Scheme Tax (CIS) is a set of taxation rules established by the HM  Revenue & Customs (HMRC), mainly for the construction industry. While CIS basically defines contractors and subcontractors as the main entities subject to the tax, there are other classifications. One such designation is a “deemed contractor.” Who does that term […]

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