Top tips for saving money during the week by www.taxback.co.uk
You may think that going out to work, you’re of course making money, but do you think about how much you’re actually spending during your working week? All those coffees, diet cokes, breakfast bars and take away lunches can end up costing a pretty penny, and once you’ve added up around £20 a day just on coffees and lunch, five days a week – you’ve already spend £100! That’s not to mention the cost of commuting at peak time… add another £10-20 pounds and you’re soon looking at another £50-100! Before you know it, you soon realise why you’ve probably got barely enough cash at the end of the month for a pint!
Well there’s some really obvious and not so obvious ways to save money during the working week, which will ultimately give you more cash for fun stuff, such as going out with your mates or booking a holiday or cheeky weekend away. Here’s www.taxback.co.uk‘s guide to getting more and keeping more money in the bank!
A lot of money saving can be done, simply by investing in a good back pack. Having a good bag, means you can skip the train and carry your essentials in your backpack whilst turning your commute into your morning or evening exercise by running or cycling. You can also sling your work shoes in your bag so you can maybe get off the train or tube a zone early and save yourself some cash.

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Another good reason for having a decent size bag is so you can take a packed breakfast, lunch and snacks. Get a decent lunch box with compartments and you can keep the snacks coming all day so you won’t be tempted to run out and get something mid morning or afternoon when hunger starts creeping in again.
A reusable bottle is also a sound investment. You could even get a fruit infusing one, or simply one for water. For tea and coffee addicts a flask will mean you can skip your Starbucks run and save yourself a couple of quid in the morning.
Doing an online food shop every week is a great way to make sure you’ve got supplies at home and with a bit of meal planning, it also means you won’t be tempted to order a takeaway midweek when you’re too tired to cook. Planning your weekly meals means you can also stock up for taking breakfast and lunch to work too! *NOTE* For those of you who are tempted by week time pub visits, order a bottle of wine with the weekly shop so you can enjoy a glass with your meal during the week if you get tempted to head out. With the average pint costing £4 in London and a glass of wine setting you back at least £5.50 you will save a lot more!
Apply for a UK tax refund! Again, during the working week you may think you’re bringing in the bacon, but how much are you actually being taxed on your earnings? Take a quick look at your payslip and check whether you’re on an emergency tax code. You may also be paying too much tax via PAYE so maybe do a PAYE tax refund online.
If you want to see more money in your pocket then contact one of our tax agents today at info@taxback.co.uk.