6 ROI’s To Spend Your 2020 Tax Refund On

Spend Your 2020 Tax Refund

Got a Tax Refund due in 2020? Here’s 6 ways to spend it wisely and maybe even make more money. Are you expecting a tax refund in 2020? Although you deserve to spend it any way you want, you might want to do it wisely. Treat it as an investment that should provide you with […]

What is the 2019-2020 Tax Code?

Student Tax Refunds

In UK tax news, the Personal Allowance amount, or the figure you can earn before paying income tax, will go up to £12,500 for the 2019-20 tax year. The numbers section of tax codes gives this number. For employees it is: 1250L. Read on to see if you are entitled to a Paye tax refund. […]

How do I know if I have to file a UK Self Assessment tax return?

You No Longer Need to Complete a Tax Return

How do I know if I don’t have to file a UK Self Assessment tax return? When dealing with Paye tax refund, or self-assessment tax return, you need to be on the ball and act quickly. Delays usually mean fines and penalties. HMRC expects a tax return on time, and if you think you no […]

UK Student Tax Refunds – Are You Owed Money?

How to Claim Back UK Student Tax Refunds As a student paying tax in the UK, you may be confused about paying the right amount; do you feel you have overpaid on your tax return and want to claim back UK tax? In this article, we offer you a step-by-step guide to understanding your UK […]

Falling Inside IR35 Tax Rules – UK Tax Advice For The Self-Employed

Falling Inside IR35 Tax Rules

If you fall within IR35 tax guidelines, it means that HMRC sees you as an employee in the ‘off-payroll’ working laws, for tax purposes. Here’s more UK tax advice on IR35. What Does It Mean To Be ‘Inside IR35’? In 2000, the off-payroll working rules were introduced by HMRC to make sure contractors, who would […]

Important Deadlines For UK Tax Returns

Personal Allowance

Avoid heavy penalties by filing your UK tax returns on time. Listed are important deadlines for 2020, by when to submit your self-assessment tax returns and make payments. Apply For Online Tax Returns And Make Your First Payment – January 31st 2020 January 31st, 2020 deadline is the last day for submitting your online tax […]

UK Tax Changes Billed To Take Effect In April 2020

London Big Day out

The UK’s IR35 tax rules, newly introduced, will become effective by April 2020. This article explains these new UK tax rules. What Is The Present IR35 Tax Policies For UK Tax Payers? The current IR35 tax rule addresses the issue of a tax avoidance by an independent contractor contracting via a personal service company (PSC) […]

Working Holiday Tax Return And What Tax To Pay If Your New To The UK

Tax To Pay If Your New To The UK

Just moved to the UK and wondering about paying tax. Let’s make sense of those complicated UK tax laws and update you on UK working holiday tax return for non-residents UK tax laws are complicated and confusing, especially, if you have just moved to the country and are eligible to pay income tax. This article […]

How to Trade Cryptocurrency in Different Countries

How to Trade Cryptocurrency in Different Countries

The cryptocurrency market may be expanding rapidly but the ambiguity in terms to define the products that come in its purview is what is intriguing. While all types of digital currencies are based on decentralization technologies, the terms used for describing them differ from one country to another. Argentina and Thailand refer to these as […]

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